Go, also known as Baduk and Weiqi, is an ancient board game that originated in East Asia over 3000 years ago. It’s a game of strategy, balance, and infinite possibilities.
Once per month we organize a workshop where we present information about some aspect of the game. The event is aimed for the beginner and intermediate players. Presentation may include practical exercises, problems, review, discussions etc. Workshops are held at the Rideau branch of the Ottawa Public Library.
Once in a while, we organize a small tournament.
In 2018 and 2019, the club collaborated with the Korean Cultural Center in organizing a Go (Baduk) class. The class was designed for beginners, and in addition to teaching the fundamentals of the game, it also provided Korean cultural information about the subject.The class ended at summer 2019.
Keep an eye open for future activities organized with the center.